We are all facing challenges because of COVID-19, and many of us are confronting new hardships as a result. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, Jewish Family & Career Services can help.
Are you concerned about your health or healthcare coverage?
Do you have difficulty with transportation to medical appointments?
Are you having trouble managing stress, depression, anxiety or isolation?
Are you concerned about the supply of prescription medication you have on hand?
Are you concerned about employment?
Are you concerned about meeting your financial obligations?
Do you have challenges accessing groceries?
Do you have challenges accessing a daily hot meal?
Do you have challenges addressing your dietary restrictions?
Please contact Jewish Family & Career Services about confidential services and supports that are available at services@jfcslouisville.org or 502-452-6341.
JFCS services are provided with support from the United Jewish Louisville Rapid Response Fund. All communications are confidential.