Vaad Hakashrut
PO Box 5362
Louisville, KY 40205
The Louisville Vaad Hakashrut is dedicated to “Keeping Kentucky Kosher” and is charged with both supervising and promoting Kashrut observance. Kosher supervision includes the ritual cleaning of all utensils, pots, ovens, etc. In order to both supervise and promote the observance of Kosher dietary laws, the Vaad maintains a rate of just $21 per hour for kosher supervision.
The Vaad supervises and certifies the following venues as Kosher: the kosher kitchen at Jewish Hospital and the kosher kitchen at the Jewish Community Center.
In addition, the Vaad is able to provide kosher supervision in almost any catering establishment. In the last year, the Vaad has supervised kosher meals at the Jewish Hospital Conference Center.
The Louisville Vaad Hakashrut is also charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Louisville Mikvah, which is housed on the Anshei Sfard campus. The Mikvah has recently been totally updated and renovated. In addition to its usual ritual uses, the Mikvah is also commonly used by brides as well as in adoption and conversion ceremonies.
To make an appointment to visit the Mikvah, please call the Anshei Sfard Synagogue office at 502-451-3122 or the Mikvah attendant at 502-494-3774.
Jack Czerkiewicz, President
Other Kosher Certification Organizations
Rabbis Avrohom and Chaim Litvin
Kosher foods in Louisville
as certified by the Louisville Vaad HaKashruth:
Hyatt Regency Louisville
(Kosher catering only)
311 South 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Kosher catering available in the hotel and other locations.
Krispy Kreme
3000 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40205
Trager Family Jewish Community Center Dive in Diner
Opens: Memorial Day; Closes: Labor Day
For more information about Kosher products – from individuals wanting to purchase kosher goods or manufacturers wanting to produce them – contact the Louisville Vaad Hakashruth.