
✡ We Stand With the People of Israel ✡


Shabbat Shalom Club

Keneseth Israel Congregation 2531 Taylorsville Road, Louisville, KY

Come join us at KI every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. for our Shabbat Shalom club - a space for kids grades K through 5 to experience Shabbat every week - as they learn Torah, play board games, and learn the …

A Jewish Call to End the War

Temple Shalom 4615 Lowe Rd., Louisville, KY

A Jewish Call to End the WarMarch 9 at Temple ShalomJewish Louisvillians for Peace is hosting a conversation of Jewish perspectives on the need to end the war in Gaza, moderated by former Congressman John Yarmuth and featuring Rabbi Marisa Elana …

ECEC Spring Fundraiser

Ten20 Craft Brewery 1020 E. Washington Street, Louisville, KY

Temple Trager ECEC Parents Committee invites you to our 2024 Spring Fundraiser.
Join us for a fabulous night of pizza, drinks, friends, and raising money for Temple Trager ECEC on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM at Ten20 Butchertown. Tickets are $55. Please RSVP at http://qr.link/SzWCMp. Unable to attend but still want to join the fun? Check out our online silent auction at http://32auctions.com/templeecec2024.

Trivia Night


Bring your friends for a fun night of trivia to benefit the Jewish Federation of Louisville. Saturday, March 9 6:45PM Cocktails | 8PM Trivia Trager Family JCC Shapira Foundation Auditorium Tickets: $50/person Includes two drink tickets; appetizers and desserts from …


Sandwich Making

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville, KY

Sandwich Making Sundays at 11:30 am Please join the Mitzvah Makers as we make sandwiches for the Louisville homeless community. RSVP at thetemplelouky.org/sandwich-making. Before the event, please bring donations to The Temple to help us with this tikkun olam project …


Jews & Brews


Join Rabbi Freed every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Trager Family JCC for coffee, cookies, and some insights into that week's Torah portion.