BBYO is a youth-led, pluralistic, community-wide youth group for Jewish high school students. It is open to teens starting in the spring semester of their 8th-grade year, through high school graduation. BBYO offers a wide variety of opportunities, from hanging out with Jewish friends here in Louisville to traveling to Israel with Jewish teens from across the country (and the world). Most of BBYO programming is through local chapters. Here in Louisville, there are two chapters: Drew Corson AZA (for boys) and Jay Levine BBG (for girls). Programs are planned by teen leaders with support and guidance from professional staff. Several local teens hold regional leadership positions. Louisville is part of the Kentucky-Indiana-Ohio Region, which also has chapters in Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton.

For information regarding Drew Corzon AZA, or Jay Levine BBG, contact Abigail Goldberg, Teen Director, at 502-238-2750 or

BBYO programming funded in part by Jewish Heritage Fund; the Rita Baldwin BBYO Scholarship Fund; the Joseph Fink BBYO Community Service Scholarship Fund; the Ellen Faye Garmon BBYO Youth Award Fund; the Stuart Pressma Leadership Development Fund; the Charles L. Weisberg BBYO Competition Fund; and the Youth Athletic Scholarship Fund.