ELC Summer Camp 2023 (FULL)
Early Childhood Camp (ages 2-5) registration begins March of 2023. As a year-round school/camp program, the ELC has limited Summer Camp openings. Our cabins are formed using the children’s exact birth dates. Please contact the Early Childhood Department at elcenrollment@jewishlouisville.org and share your child’s exact birth date. We will check for availability and email you back with additional registration information.
The Infant and Toddler campers enjoy long walks on the grounds of the JCC and explore weekly themed activities in their developmentally appropriate cabins. Our experienced and trained caregivers interact daily with all the camping activities. Toddlers enjoy closely supervised water play in the Seng Jewelers Wading Pool.
Two and Three-Year-Olds
Summer Camp exploration utilizes center activities, outside playground time, indoor climbing room, gardening, healthy snacks, and traditional themed camp activities. These combine to help our two and three-year-old campers enjoy their summer day. We offer swim lessons Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in our indoor pool and enjoy the Seng Jewelers Wading Pool every day.
In addition to enjoying traditional camp activities, Pre-Kindergarten campers explore science, art and physical education every day. Swim lessons in our indoor pool are every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We swim daily in the Seng Jewelers Wading Pool.
Our Early Learning Center campers begin their day at a SingUP assembly every morning, enjoy weekly themed activities and celebrate Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday morning.