Teen Topics 02/24/12

[by Laina Meyerowitz]

The Teen Connection event on Sunday, February 12, was especially fun. There were about 20 of us (all 6th-8th graders) who met at the IMAX theater at Tinseltown at 7 p.m. to see the new movie, Journey 2, in 3D. We got a whole row to ourselves and ate pizza during the film. The movie was awesome and it was a great to be with friends.

Afterwards, we all got on a school bus and went back to the J. There was music and sports equipment in the gym, snacks in the teen lounge, and empty hallways where we could goof off and be teenagers.

We stayed at the JCC and just hung out until everyone was picked up at 11. It was a lot of fun just to get together with friends and have fun on a free night.

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