
✡ We Stand With the People of Israel ✡


Saturday Morning Torah Study

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville

SATURDAY TORAH STUDY 9:00-10:00 am with Rabbi David Meet in the Fishman Library before the morning service to read and discuss the Torah portion of the week over coffee, bread with jam and cream cheese, and other treats.  

October 7: A Gathering for Remembrance and Prayers for Peace


Come together as a community to mark one year since the horrific terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. Together, we will honor the victims and join in prayers for peace. This meaningful event will feature Linor Ein-gedy, an Israeli musician from …


Jews & Brews


Join Rabbi Freed every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Trager Family JCC for coffee, cookies, and some insights into that week's Torah portion.


Saturday Morning Torah Study

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville

SATURDAY TORAH STUDY 9:00-10:00 am with Rabbi David Meet in the Fishman Library before the morning service to read and discuss the Torah portion of the week over coffee, bread with jam and cream cheese, and other treats.  

Fall Foliage at Bernheim… a hike with Tom Block

Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest 2499 Clermont Rd, Clermont, KY

Fall Foliage at Bernheim… a hike with Tom Block Sunday, October 13 at 10:00 am at Bernheim Forest Please Join The Temple Brotherhood for a Fall Foliage Hike with Tom Block, IW Bernheim’s great grandson. Brotherhood will arrange for entry …

WRJ Opening Meeting and Program

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville, KY

Please join us for our Opening Program on Tuesday, October 15, at 6:30 pm, in the Fishman Library. We’ll start with heavy appetizers and pick-up desserts catered by Chef Z, have a brief meeting, and then we’ll be honored to …

Young Adult Sushi & Sukkah Party

Patio Sukkah at the Trager Family JCC 3600 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY

Enjoy sushi made by a chef in-person in the Sukkah, sake tasting and fall vibes. This event is hosted by NextGen Louisville and is open to any Jewish young adult in Louisville, KY. For more information, contact Abigail Goldberg via …


Jews & Brews


Join Rabbi Freed every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Trager Family JCC for coffee, cookies, and some insights into that week's Torah portion.

Brotherhood Opening Meeting & Dinner

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville, KY

Join The Temple for the Brotherhood Opening Meeting & Dinner on October 17th, at 6:30pm. More details at thetemplelouky.org

Consecration Service Grades K-1

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville, KY

Join The Temple for the Consecration Service (Grades K-1) on October 18th, at 7:00pm. More details at thetemplelouky.org