February 14 is fast approaching. For many, it’s a day filled with fun and romance. However, for many others who are still searching for Mr. or Ms. Right, it can be a painful reminder that they still haven’t found their special bashert.
But now, for any Jewish young professional hoping to be hit by Cupid’s arrow, there’s the Fifth Annual Regional Jewish Singles’ event. Some of the most eligible Jewish young professionals, ages 21-35, from Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Louisville and Lexington will convene in Cincinnati for a chance to fast-track dozens of first dates all in one evening. On Saturday, February 9, at 8 p.m., in a private room at Betty Bar in Downtown Cincinnati, Access, an initiative of The Mayerson Foundation aimed at helping Jewish YPs connect with one another, presents, “You’ve Got Mail, A Valentines Card Party.”
“Each Valentine’s Day weekend, nearly 100 participants from all over the region take part in this event. Over the years it has resulted in numerous matches, many of which turn into serious relationships, and even marriage, like it did for Bree and Michael Bergman, our very first Speed Dating couple to tie the knot!” says Access Coordinator, Rachel Plowden.
“In the past we have hosted ‘speed dating’ events in which participants got three minutes to meet one-on-one with a new person before moving on to the next one until they had about 50 mini-dates,” she adds. “However, this year, we’re switching things up and will be putting a whole new spin on the old school tradition of exchanging Valentines.
“First, attendees can mix and mingle with as few or as many of the participants as they wish, all at their own pace,” she explains. “Then, we’ll arm everyone with a stack of personalized Valentine’s calling cards. So, if a connection is made, they can drop their cards in the boxes of those special people, which will hopefully result in lots of matches made in heaven!”
While Access is not intended to be a “singles program,” numerous committed relationships and marriages have occurred over the years as a result of hundreds of Jewish young professionals having repeated opportunities to see one another at parties and events throughout the year, in addition to the annual singles’ event.
Alex Dal and Leigh Sorkin have been together for nearly a year. “Alex and I met at an Access JGourmet cooking class making bagels. He came over to my table and we talked for a bit, but we didn’t exchange phone numbers so I didn’t think much of it,” explains Leigh. “It wasn’t until I saw him about a week later at an Access focus group when, like any 21st century gentleman, he ‘Facebook Friended’ me and asked me for my number. I joined Access to meet new people, make new friends, and explore Cincinnati, and got a little added bonus when I met Alex. I can’t believe we’ll be celebrating our one year anniversary soon!”
This event is free and is strictly limited to Jewish men and women between the ages of 21-35; advance reservations are mandatory. Space is limited and will be allotted on a first-come-first-served basis. Light bites and the first drink are on Access. For information about discounted hotel rates and other general inquiries, or to RSVP for this event, please contact Rachel Plowden at info@jypaccess.org or (513) 373-0300 or www.jypaccess.org.
Access is an initiative of The Mayerson Foundation.