(Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the community.)
Pragmatic spirituality discussion
Marty and Dr. Courtney Snyder lead a discussion group based on inspiration from a spiritual thinker, Sundays at 10 a.m. at Adath Jeshurun. The next session, June 2, will address the topic, “Come on people now, smile on your brother.” The topic for the June 23 session will be, “The Wisdom of Tenderness.”
Homeless Outreach
Keneseth Israel will make sandwiches and care packages for the homeless from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Sunday, June 2. Bring your own supplies (bread, peanut butter and jelly, blankets, underwear, socks, flashlights, etc.) The group will caravan downtown around 6:15 p.m. to give out food and supplies. RSVP to gkahn@kenesethisrael.com or 502-459-2780.
Bernheim Hike
The Temple Brotherhood’s annual Bernheim Spring Hike is on Sunday, June 2. The carpool leaves at 9 a.m. The one-to-two-hour moderate hike will start at 10 a.m. Bring your own lunch. RSVPs are required; the group limit is 60. Call 502-423-1818 by May 31.
Rabbi Laura Metzger
Louisville Melton will honor Rabbi Laura Metzger during its annual Celebration of Learning at 11 a.m., Sunday, June 2, at Adath Jeshurun. She is being recognized for her “excellence in Melton teaching and curriculum development.” A celebration lunch will follow at noon. RSVP by calling Deborah Slosberg at 502-458-5359, or visiting adathjeshurun.com/meltoncelebration.
Brotherhood distillery tour, dinner
The Temple Brotherhood will visit the newest downtown distillery, Kentucky Peerless Distilling Company, on 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 12, for a tour, taste, and dinner. Corky and Carson Taylor are fourth- and fifth- generation distillers; the company was started by Corky’s Polish-Jewish, immigrant great-grandfather. The tour begins at 6:30 p.m. and is free for Brotherhood members and lecture series subscribers. The cost is $25 for non-members and guests. The event is limited to 50 people.
Father’s Day Trap Shoot
The Temple Brotherhood will hold a Father’s Day trap shoot on Sunday, June 16. The carpool will leave The Temple at 10 a.m. for Indian Creek in Georgetown, Indiana. Dr. Nathan Berger is organizing this family event. RSVP online or call 502-423-1818.
Goldberg speaks at AJ
Matt Goldberg, director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, will deliver the D’var Torah at Adath Jeshurun on Saturday, June 22. His topic will be “Why intergroup relations are more important than ever.” Services begin at 9:30 a.m.
Shabbat and Sundaes
Keneseth Israel will hold Shabbat and Sundaes at 6 p.m., Saturday, June 29, at Graeter’s on Bardstown Road. KI members will receive a free treat up to $5. RSVP to gkahn@kenesethisrael.com or 502-459-2780.
AJ Theatre Group
Adath Jeshurun is launching a new theatre group, which will produce plays and musicals with Jewish content. All are welcome to participate regardless of faith or affiliation. Opportunities for participation are available for actors, actresses, costume designers, set builders, props, tech-related theatre capacities and ushering. The first performance will take place in July. Contact Yehudah Husband at 502-500-5167 or jai@AjAiJoint.com for details.
AJ cemetery information
Gravesites at the Adath Jeshurun cemetery are available for purchase for $3,125. The price, which includes perpetual care, is valid through June 30. Prices will increase on July 1. Call the AJ office at 502-458-5359 for more information.
Bridge Club
Keneseth Israel’s bridge club meets Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. in the small chapel. RSVP to gwishnia@gmail.com.
Love Sings Louder
Jewish Louisville will host hundreds of people at Iroquois Amphitheatre at 5 p.m., Sunday September, 15, for a Community sing-along, Love Sings Louder. The event, which will promote citywide unity, compassion and togetherness, is co-chaired by Louisville Metro Councilwoman Barbara Sexton-Smith and Dr. Mark Perelmuter. Watch Community for more details.
Adult Education
Kabbalah Month by Month
Cantor Hordes teaches a kabbalah class based on each Hebrew month’s holidays, Torah portions, healing areas and astrological connections. The class meets every second Thursday at 6:30 p.m. The next session is June 13. RSVP to gkahn@kenesethisrael.com or 502-459-2780
Class on meditation during prayer
Part 2 of a JLI course, “With All My Heart,” will start on June 17 and run for three weeks. The course will look at meditation and how to bring peace into one’s life using silent and communal prayer. The Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence is partly sponsoring the class, which will meet at the JLC Chabad Center, 1110 Dupont Circle. Contact Chabad at rabbi@chabadky.com or call 502-459-1770 for details.
Torah Yoga
Cantor Sharon Hordes and Lisa Flannery lead a class blending Torah study and yoga at Keneseth Israel. Temple Shalom and Hadassah are co-sponsors. The next class will meet at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 20. RSVP to 502-459-2780 or gkahn@kenesethisrael.com.
Jews and Brews
Rabbi Michael Wolk leads a Torah study session over coffee Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the J library.
Torah Study
Rabbi David Ariel-Joel leads Torah study Saturdays from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Fishman Library before the morning services. Coffee, bagels and cream cheese are served.
Bernheim Shabbat, and Dinner
The Temple’s Annual Bernheim Classical Shabbat Service & Dinner will be held Friday, May 31. The Rabbi’s Dinner starts at 6 p.m.; the service, 7 p.m. The service, which will be done in the classical Reform style, honors Isaac Bernheim (1848-1945), a Reform Jew, Louisville distiller and philanthropist who, in 1929, bequeathed 14,000 acres of land – the Bernheim Forest and Arboretum – to the people of Kentucky. The theme of the dinner is Bubbe’s Brisket with a vegetarian option available on advanced request. Cost $10 for adults ($5 for RSVPs before May 28), free for children 12 and under. Call 502-423-1818 or visit thetemplelouky.org to sign up.
Celebration Shabbat
All who are celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the month of June may participate in a group aliyah during June 1 Shabbat morning worship services at Adath Jeshurun, which start at 9:30 a.m.
Tot Shabbat
Keneseth Israel will hold a children’s Shabbat service at 10:45 a.m., Saturday, June 1. The service, which will be led by Rabbi Michael Wolk and Miriam Bird, is in addition to the 9:30 a.m. regular service.
Sing-along Friday Night
Chabad will celebrate Shabbat on Friday, June 7, at the Chabad House, 1654 Almara Circle, with a sing-along Kabbalat Shabbat service at 8:30 pm. A three-course traditional Shabbat dinner will follow the service. The Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence partly sponsors the event. Call 502-459-1770 for details.
Numbers Torah Celebration
The Infamous No-Rehearsal Brotherhood Choir will be singing during Shabbat Torah celebration for the beginning of the Book of Numbers, at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, June 8. Immediately following services, the Temple Brotherhood will sponsor the oneg featuring Gravlax, matzah, and bourbon.
No Shush Shabbat
Temple Shalom’s next No Shush Shabbat will be held at 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 14. Benji Berlow and a lay leader will conduct the interactive family service.
Pride Parade with The Temple
Temple members will hold a short lay-led service downtown before the Pride Parade at 6 p.m. The parade itself will begin at 7 p.m. at the intersection of Market and Campbell at the Big Four Lawn. RSVP to The Temple at 502-423-1818 and to order a free team T-shirt.
Havdalah Service
Chabad will hold a Havdalah service, concluding Shabbat, on Saturday, June 15. This service will conclude with a renewal blessing for the moon. The Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence is partly sponsoring the program. Call 502-459-1770.
Big Rock Shabbat
Keneseth Israel’s Big Rock Shabbat will be held at 6 p.m., Friday, June 21, in Big Rock Park. Kabbalat Shabbat will be followed by a vegetarian/dairy picnic. Bring your own blanket, dairy/veggie food, and games. Arctic Scoop will provide dessert. RSVP to 502-459-2780 or gkahn@kenesethisrael.com.
Pride Shabbat
The Temple will commemorate LGBTQ Pride Month with its Fifth Annual Pride Shabbat, at 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 21. Chris Hartman, director of Fairness Campaign, will be the guest speaker. He will talk abut making Louisville, and Kentucky, “a just and fair society.”
Pride Shabbat will continue Saturday, June 22, with Torah study from 9 to 10 a.m. and the
Pride Shabbat Morning Service at 10:30 a.m. Led by Shir Chadash, Student Cantor Mike Jarvis, and Jennifer Diamond. The LGBTQ choir, VOICES of Kentuckiana, also will take part. The service includes the traditional Pride Parade with the Torah. A Kiddush Luncheon will follow at noon, with VOICES of Kentuckiana performing music and personal stories. RSVP for lunch by Tuesday, June 18.
All events are free and open to the public and generously sponsored by the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence.
BLT – Bagels Lox Tefillen
Chabad will hold a 45-minute morning service and a 45-minute brunch at 8:30 a.m., Sunday, June 23. The Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence partly sponsors the event. Call 502-459-1770 for details.
Independence Day Cookout
The Temple’s Rabbi’s Dinner at 5:30 p.m., Friday, July 5, will include a traditional cookout with hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, and other summer favorites. The Annual Red, White, and Blue Oneg sponsored by WRJ/Sisterhood, will follow services. Cost is $10 per person ($5 with RSVP’s before July 2), free for children 12 and under. Call 502-423-1818 or register online.
Shavuot, confirmation
Temple Shalom will hold its annual Shavuot confirmation service at 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 7. Song leader Sam Thal will take part in the service.
Tikkun Ley’l Shavuot
Adath Jeshurun and Keneseth Israel will hold shared evening study on erev Shavuot, 7 p.m., Saturday, June 8, at KI. The study sessions will follow a light dairy meal and desserts. RSVP to KI at 502-459-2780 or gkahn@kenesethisrael.com.
Create Your Own Shavuot
Chabad will offer an evening of dinner and discussion followed by a chance for participants to create their own study program at 9 p.m. Saturday, June 8. Rabbi Avrohom Litvin will lecture on “The Marriage of Mankind with G-d.” Holiday prayers, dinner and classes will follow. A dairy meal will be offered with cheesecake and coffee throughout the night and study partners will be available on any topic of Jewish concern. RSVP to Chabad@Chabadky.com or call 502-235-5770.
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
The Temple’s annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot will be held at 9 p.m., Saturday, June 8. This year’s class, “Shavuot: The Miracle of Sinai,” with Rabbi David Ariel-Joel, will start after the confirmation service.
Shavout Ice Cream Party
Chabad will read the Ten Commandments at noon, Sunday, June 9, at the Louisville Chabad House, 1654 Almara Circle. A children’s program will follow the Torah reading with ice cream and other dairy treats.
Shavuot memorial service
Chabad will hold a yizkur service at noon, Monday, June 10 at the Chabad House, 1654 Almara Circle. Rabbi Avraham Litvin will lead a meditation. A Kiddush luncheon will follow. Reservations are required. RSVP to Chabad at 502-459-1770.