Active Adults Redefining Retirement

Years ago, retirement was simple and clear cut. Retirees left a job for a period of 10-15 years to live off social security and enjoy life. Now, retirement can stretch 25 to 30 years.

Adults, ages 55+, often feel a desire to retire but are concerned about boredom, diminished mental challenges and a drop in physical activity. And their concern is justified. Several studies comparing people across industrialized nations have shown a strong correlation between retirement and diminished cognitive function.

A new demographic has emerged of people ages 55+ who are considering retirement but are not yet ready to be labeled “seniors” or join adult day care programs. The J is establishing a more programming for this new segment of the population, called, the “Active Adult.”

At The J, the Kindred Active Adult Program is geared towards adults ages 50-75. The J offers holistic wellness programs to Louisville residents to engage mentally, physically and socially.

The Kindred Active Adult program, can give retirees a sense of purpose and focus while providing healthy activities throughout the week.

Having a sense of purpose can add years to your life, according to a study published in 2014 in Psychological Science. Researchers from Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, and the University of Rochester in New York, tracked the physical and mental health of more than 7,000 American adults ages 20 to 75 for 14 years, and found that those who felt they had a purpose or direction in life outlived those who did not. How do we get that sense of purpose?

Stay active

Exercise comes in many forms. For some, it means taking long walks in a park or in the neighborhood. For others, it could mean taking classes at a fitness center. The J offers dozens of classes a week geared towards the active adult that includes boxing, hi-low aerobics and even muscle building classes. In addition, many Active Adults play Pickleball at The J which offers a physical, social and mental aspect of exercise.

Stay social

Finding a social group can give you a sense of purpose and make your life more enjoyable. Whether it is eating, exercising, going to the opera or watching your favorite team…time spent with others increases your overall enjoyment of the activity.

Continue to challenge yourself mentally

Mental Activities create a sense of purpose and direction while also reducing your risk of dementia. The J offers book clubs, technology courses and meditation workshops to sharpen mental skills.

Retirement is about a lot more than finances. If you are considering retirement or if you are already retired, take a holistic approach to life by enjoying the activities that you did not have the time to enjoy during your career. To learn more about the Kindred Active Adult program at The Jewish Community Center, call 502-459-0660 or go to

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