YAD has picnic, brunch and learn and potluck Shabbat

Over the summer, the Jewish Federation of Louisville’s YAD division offered three different events that encouraged young adults to come together, socialize and engage in a variety of activities.

On Sunday, July 28, there was a YAD brunch and learn at Java where participants enjoyed crepes and coffee. Adath Jeshurun’s Cantor David Lipp led a discussion and workshop about Lashon Hara, negative speech, and the Jewish perspective on the power of words.

Similar events will be planned in the future.

On Sunday, August 11, 80 people came to the Jewish Community Center for the annual YAD Picnic. This year’s event, chaired by Seth Gladstein, offered all YAD members access to the JCC’s pools throughout the afternoon.

There were lots of activities for children. The youngest jumped in a bouncy house, listened and sang along as John Gage performed Jewish and traditional children’s songs, enjoyed activities led by the JCC’s camp counselors and played on the equipment in the family park.

Other children had the opportunity to make friendship bracelets and tie-dye projects. There was even a Ga-Ga game for middle schoolers.

It was a nice way for young families to get together before the end of the summer.

On Friday, August 16, young adults in their 20’s and early 30’s gathered at the home of Matt and Lisa Goldberg for a vegetarian potluck Shabbat dinner, that included the traditional Shabbat blessings. Watch for more programs like this in the future.



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