Dear friends,
I am much too often surprised when good folks I am soliciting for our all important Annual Campaign ask me who benefits from the monies raised? … what Jewish agencies share our allocations? So here’s a novel new tradition you may want to start at your Passover Seder. Much like when you cheerfully recite the “Chad Gadya” please challenge your guests to read the names of all of the below listed recipients in just one breath:
High School of Jewish Studies, LBSY (Louisville Beit Sefer Yachad), The Temple Religious School, Hadassah, Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, Chavurat Shalom, NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women), Jewish Community of Louisville, Jewish Community Relations Council, JCC, BBYO, Teen Connections, Kadima, PJ Library, Senior Nutrition, Yachad inclusion program for JCC campers with special needs, JCC Summer Camp, Israel Independence Day celebration, Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration, CenterStage, Hillel at all local colleges and universities as well as at other regional schools, the Community newspaper, Partnership2Gether, Jewish Family & Career Services, national and international partner agencies, American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Birthright Israel, JAFI (Jewish Agency for Israel), JDC (Joint Distribution Committee), HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), the Foundation for Jewish Camping.
And as you recite the list of all these well vetted and much deserving organizations, take the time to share with all your loved ones all the good services and programs that they provide.
The 2016 Campaign will end at the end of this month and, unfortunately, we are still quite a few shekels short of what we know is needed to sustain the vibrancy of Jewish life in Louisville. Please help us fund all the good that Jewish folks overseas, as well as our local friends and neighbors, derive from the fine services and programs that are provided.
If you have not yet made your pledge for 2016, please call 502-238-2739 and talk with Stacy, Matt or Kristy, or pledge online at And, don’t miss the opportunity to double your impact. Through the Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence Double Your Impact Challenge, every new and increased gift, up to $200,000, will be matched.
I also urge you to please join me in thanking our volunteers, our newly appointed Vice President of Philanthropy Stacy Gordon-Funk and her hard-working associates, Matt Goldberg, Kristy Benefield, Lenae Price and Benjie Berlow, and our President and CEO Sara Wagner. They deserve our sincere thanks and support for all their good (and hard!) work. It’s been my great pleasure and honor to work with them.
Chag Paesach Sameach
Leon M. Wahba
2016 Federation Campaign Chair