Jay Levine BBG

by Audrey Nussbam

Jay Levine BBG began the new term and the New Year with a strong start.

Louisville BBYO held a kickoff pool-party event on Sunday, September 8, with over 50 teens in attendance. The event was completely free of programming and solely for fun, swimming, and catching up with each other.

At the event Jay Levine began and will continue to be selling Qdoba coupons for $10 a packet to raise money for their chapter. They were also able to start making a difference with their new Stand Up Cause, underprivileged children, by bringing items to donate to the Family Scholar House.

Looking ahead towards the next month, Jay Levine will hold a Sukkot Party at the JCC, the chapter board will travel to Cincinnati for Execs to improve their skills with the regional (Kentucky-Indiana-Ohio) board, and they will help with a brand new chapter in Lexington.

With a lot coming up, the girls in Jay Levine cannot wait to build their strength as BBG’s as they prepare to win the spirit cup at Spirit Convention in October!

Drew Corson AZA

by Daniel Segal

Drew Corson AZA is very excited and ready for the upcoming term.

On Sunday the September 22, Drew Corson and Jay Levine’s board will be going to Cincinnati for Regional Execs. At Regional Execs, the board will learn all about their specific position.

The Sunday after that on September 29, Drew Corson and Jay Levine will travel to Lexington to hang out with the new and upcoming BBYO chapter of Lexington. Lexington BBYO has just recently started up, so Louisville BBYO is going down to Lexington to have fun and show the Lexington chapter what BBYO is all about!

On October 11, the whole region of Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio BBYO will meet for Spirit Convention, where each chapter competes against each other for the spirit stick! We can’t wait for the upcoming term!

Hebrew High School Grows to New Heights

by Natania Lipp, Teen Topics Editor

To find out more about what has been happening with the Hebrew High School this year, I interviewed Sarah Harlan, who has recently been chosen director of Hebrew School.

This year has a lot more focus on confirmation for the 10th graders, as well as a fresh curriculum full of exciting and popular choices for teens. Switching from trimesters to semesters, ninth and 10th graders have a lot more time to focus on what they are learning on a deeper level.

Tenth graders now meet with their rabbis for one class period throughout the entire year instead of just one trimester. Students will have more one-on-one time with their rabbi, so that they are able to develop deeper relationships with their classes and become confidently prepared for their ceremonies at the end of the year.

The classes this year offer a variety that appeals to all different teenagers. If singing is their hobby, Cantor David Lipp is teaching a “Jewish Pitch Perfect” class. “I‘d love to start with some rounds and some part music, if kids are really excited about it maybe we can do some performing,” says Cantor Lipp. Although it may not be a competitive a capella group as it is in the movie, it will definitely be as interesting and exciting as the name with a lot of new and exciting Jewish music.

Teens are very excited that Mike Steklof is teaching this year; Ms. Harlan says he is popular among the teenagers as he is the city director for BBYO and very involved in teen life already. He will be teaching a “Sex and the Text” class, which Ms. Harlan describes as focusing on “the racier parts of the Torah that most Sunday Schools might not recognize.” This class will definitely be in high demand among students throughout the year.

Hebrew High is also offering a Yiddish class and a Jewish Humor course, among many other exciting new options.

Hebrew High teens kicked off the year Sunday, September 15, by participating in the Hunger Walk and started classes the next week. With the new beginning and all of the opportunities it has to offer, the teens and the teachers are excited start the new year of Sunday School.

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