Teen Topics 05/14/10

From April 23-25, over 100 teens from the Kentucky-Indiana-Ohio region of BBYO met at Camp Ernst for the annual Aleph-In-Training/Member-In-Training (AIT-MIT) weekend.  AIT/MIT is designed for eighth graders and other new members to teach them about BBYO, and to help them meet teens their age from around the region. Fifteen teens from Louisville were among those who attended.

This year, AIT-MIT coincided with J-Serve, the annual Jewish day of service for teens. For the J-Serve project, teens were asked to bring a variety of items to donate to the Center for Women and Families here in Louisville. In total, the following items were collected and donated: Over 50 towels and washcloths, over 800 diapers, almost 200 pairs of underwear and over 70 pairs of socks. In addition to having a lot of fun and making new friends, the teens truly made a difference in our community.

For more information on BBYO programs, please contact JCL Teen Director and KIO BBYO Regional Director Justin Sadle: (502)238-2778 jsadle@jccoflouisville.org.

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