Fiber Artist to Speak at Gallery Opening

The Jewish Community of Louisville’s Patio Gallery in the Jewish Community Center hosts a variety of shows each year to give the community the opportunity to experience a variety of visual media.

A highlight of the year is the juried 2011 Art Exhibit of the Louisville Area Fiber and Textile Artists (LAFTA). A juried exhibit is one where artists submit pieces they would like included in the show to a jury which then decides which pieces merit inclusion in the show.


This year’s show was juried by Jane Dunnewold, a renowned teacher and author of several books on fiber art, including Complex Cloth, a textbook on fiber art techniques that is widely used.

Dunnewold came to town to deliver the Jane Morton Norton Memorial Lecture, “Mining for Meaning,” last Wednesday at the University of Louisville, and remains here for several other lectures.

On Sunday, January 30, at 1 p.m. during the opening reception for the LAFTA show in the Patio Gallery, she will give a juror’s talk, explaining why the pieces in the show were chosen.

The community is invited to the talk, and admission is free.

Founded in 1995, LAFTA is an organization of visual artists whose work encompasses a variety of surface design and construction techniques, focusing on fibers, textiles and beads.

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