
✡ We Stand With the People of Israel ✡

Tot Shabbat at Adath Jeshurun

Adath Jeshurun KY

Join Rabbi Corber for a family friendly Shabbat morning service, geared towards you and your little ones (0-6), older siblings and grandparents are more than welcome. We'll pray, learn, and hear stories. Stay after services for our Shabbat kiddush lunch …

Gaga Tournament

The Temple 5101 US Hwy 42, Louisville, KY

Gaga Tournament Sunday, May 21 at 2:00 pm We invite Grade 7-12 students to our first Gaga tournament. This event will be led by Alex and Matthew Schwartz, and will include a brief tutorial and a full game. The top …


Jews & Brews


Join Rabbi Freed every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Trager Family JCC for coffee, cookies, and some insights into that week's Torah portion.