Kosher Food
Virtually any facility can be made kosher for specific events. Consult your local rabbi for details.
Kosher foods, certified by the Louisville Vaad HaKashruth, are available from:
Four Courts at Cherokee Park
(Vaad certified Kosher Available)
2100 Millvale Road
Louisville, KY 40205
Graeter’s Ice Cream (Vaad certified)
All Locations
Hyatt Regency Louisville
(Kosher catering only. Vaad certified)
311 South 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Kosher catering available in the hotel and other locations.
Jewish Community Center Kitchen
(Vaad certified)
3600 Dutchmans Lane
Louisville, KY 40205
502-459-0660 ext. 122
Jewish Community Center Outdoor Café
(Vaad certified)
Opens: Memorial Day; Closes: Labor Day
Jewish Hospital
(Kosher Kitchen only Vaad certified)
200 Abraham Flexner Way
Louisville, KY 40202
Kosher Butchers
(Fresh meats, breads and kosher grocery)
3039 Breckenridge Lane
Louisville, KY 40220
For more information about Kosher products – from individuals wanting to purchase kosher goods or manufacturers wanting to produce them – contact the Louisville Vaad Hakashruth.
Dairy OU-certified baked goods are available locally from
Najla’s Cookies
8007 Vinecrest Avenue, Suite 3
Louisville, KY 40222
(502) 412-4420
Orthodox Union
Rabbi Yosef Levy, Rabbinic Field Representative
OU Kosher Supervision
2515 Twigwood Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45237
(502) 724-9278; (513) 531-1322