Earlier this month, a rumor was started in Israel that three Syrian Jewish refugee families were sponsored by a Conservative synagogue and a refugee resettlement agency here in Louisville and that the families are already living here. The story is not true. It apparently started with an anonymous tip to a news source and the news agencies that are circulating the rumor did not verify the information with Louisville’s Jewish Community Relations Council.
Louisville’s JCRC did assist in helping resettle one Syrian family earlier this year and the JCRC is very proud of its work with them. The JCRC undertook this effort in conjunction with some in Louisville’s Muslim community. This family is not Jewish and, in fact, are becoming integrated into the local Muslim community.
If you read this story, please disregard it. It is a false rumor. If you are asked about it, please share this information and please refer any additional questions to Matt Goldberg, mgoldberg@jewishlouisville.org or 502-238-2707.