[Archived from August 14, 2009]
The Jewish people are known as the “People of the Book” because of a lifelong commitment to learning. But when was the last time you did some serious study about Judaism?
Whether you haven’t studied about Judaism since your bar/bat mitzvah, never studied Judaism at all or have an extensive background and just want to continue studying, the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School offers you the opportunity to engage in meaningful adult study. The full program is a two-year course that uses a text-based approach to learning, enabling each student to participate fully in discussions and enhance his/her understanding of Jewish belief, practice, history and ethics.
Melton is a university-quality program of Judaic studies designed to fit the lives and learning styles of adults. There are no prerequisites, grades, exams or homework. You do not have to know Hebrew and it doesn’t matter what your current level of knowledge or background is.
A typical class begins with examining some text. It may be biblical or rabbinical commentary of a combination. Then the discussion begins. Everyone in the class has the opportunity to contribute.
Students invest two hours a week over a two-year period and come away with a comprehensive knowledge of Jewish life, history and meaning using a curriculum developed by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. They learn from dynamic, motivated teachers – rabbis, cantors, professors and educators from all branches of Judaism. While you explore your own practice and beliefs, you build camaraderie with your classmates and get to know other members of the community.
First year students cover “Rhythms of Jewish Living” and “Purposes of Jewish Living.” Second year students delve into the “Dramas of Jewish Living” and “Ethics of Jewish Living.”
As learning is a lifelong endeavor, the Melton program also offers continuing education classes for graduates of the program. This fall, Melton will offer a 10-week Scholars Curriculum program, “Bereshit Part I: Adam to Abraham, the First 20 Generations,” and a six-week Continuing Course, “Torah and the New Testament.”
The core curriculum classes will be offered Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:45 or Tuesday evenings, 7-9:15. Tuition for the 30-week first-year program is $525 and includes the student reader. Enrollment for the second-year program is limited to those currently enrolled. Classes will begin in September.
The Scholars Curriculum course, taught by Cantor David Lipp, will meet Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11, from October 6-December 8, in the Jewish Community of Louisville offices in Shalom Tower. Tuition for this class is $175 and includes a student reader.
The Continuing Course will meet Wednesday mornings from 9:30-10:30. Tuition is $75.
To register for Melton classes, please go to www.jewishlouisville.org. For more information, contact Sara Wagner, 618-5307 or saraw@jcfl.com, or Laura Klein, laura.klein@insightbb.com.