From time to time, anti-Zionist groups that oppose the existence of the State Israel make an effort to draw attention to their cause by organizing a boycott of the many products produced in Israel that are available worldwide. The next such boycott attempt is scheduled for March 30.
You can fight back by participating in a pro-Israel “buycott.” On March 30, plan a shopping trip to buy Israeli products and support the Jewish State.
From Ahava cosmetics to Kidron soap to Next Step Shoes, to wines and Judaica, shop your synagogue gift shop or wine shop or browse online to find Israeli products and the stores that stock them. Many Israeli products are also readily available at Oxmoor and St. Matthews malls.
Learn more about community efforts to counteract these boycotts at or contact the Jewish Community of Louisville’s Jewish Community Relations Council Director Matt Goldberg, 238-2707 or