Anshei Sfard makes changes; focuses on recruitment in NYC

[by Brian Wallace, Board Member, Anshei Sfard]

As the previous Community article, “Anshei Sfard shrinks, considers its future,” reported, Anshei Sfard faces a crossroads. While the congregation has lost membership in recent times, there is an effort under way to reverse the trend.

The Orthodox Union recently completed the Fourth Annual Job and Relocation Fair – the largest on record and the first time that Louisville has been represented. Anshei Sfard President Roy Hyman and congregants Brian and Judy Wallace attended and are happy to report that nearly 120 families requested additional information about moving to the Louisville community. The congregation is following up with them.

Louisville offers a safe and affordable environment for young families. The city has a growing economy and the congregation is working in tandem with the Chamber of Commerce that has 2,000 plus jobs available throughout the city – over 1,000 in technology related areas alone. This is what’s helping Louisville be a standout community and a model for others to follow.

New times call for a new direction, Hyman said. As of May 9, the Board of Directors of Anshei Sfard accepted the resignation of Rabbi Avrohom Litvin, and he will serve the congregation until July 31. “We wish the Rabbi the best of luck in his future efforts to assist his son-in-law Rabbi Baruch Sussman at the Chabad Chai Center.”

Anshei Sfard acknowledges and affirms its responsibility to maintain continuity as a Modern Orthodox synagogue serving primary Jewish needs such as a daily minyan, mikvah, school and other such life cycle services. Therefore, a national and international search will be undertaken to identify a new rabbi who will serve Anshei Sfard and who will also share generously in the lives of the people of Louisville.

Anshei Sfard and members of the community are willing to help families interested in Louisville with free synagogue membership and actively and aggressively assist individuals in finding and securing a job. The congregation is setting up committees to help with relocation expenses and financial incentives. They have also set up a new website to promote the community –


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