2014 Campaign Major Gifts brunch is Nov. 3 in Starks Building
by Shiela Steinman Wallace, Editor
Ever since Stew Bromberg came to work at the Jewish Federation of Louisville, he has been talking about how much he admires Dottie Bennett. “She’s a role model for everyone who ever met her,” he said, and he’s been working hard to get her to come to speak at a Federation Campaign event.
Well, Dottie Bennett is coming to Louisville, and she’s going to be the keynote speaker at the 2014 Federation Campaign Major Gifts event. This year’s event will be a champagne brunch on Sunday, November 3, in the Atrium of the Starks Building.
Looking at Bennett’s biographical materials, it is easy to understand why Bromberg views her as a role model. She’s been a leader with so many organizations and has such extensive accomplishments, that to list them in a single article doesn’t seem reasonable.
She is a board member and officer of the Jewish Outreach Institute, a member of the Executive Committee of AJIRI, the American Jewish International Relations Institute, which seeks to get fair treatment for Israel at the United Nations, serves as a mentor to a Hillel professional at the University of Virginia and co-chairs the building campaign for Gesher Jewish Day School in Fairfax, VA.
Bennett has been very active with the American Jewish Committee and has held many national leadership positions with them, including chair of Project Interchange, an institute that sends influential non-Jews, including members of Congress and state governors, to Israel for educational purposes.
In 2004, she was a presidential appointee to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Council, and again held numerous positions, and served five years on its Executive Committee.
Bennett’s credits also include service on the Board of the United Jewish Endowment Fund; working with AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee; and volunteering with the United Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. Her resume also includes a number of other Jewish and civic organizations.
She taught school for more than 20 years and is deeply involved in the issues of Jewish education and in efforts to maintain and enhance Jewish identity.
She is the daughter of German parents who fled Nazi Germany. Her father, an industrialist, reestablished the family business in Germany after the War. In his memory, Dottie created the Dr. Hans Adler Memorial Library in Berlin. The funding for the library and its endowment come from monies the family personally sought from the German government. The library and its collections seek to foster understanding between Germany, the United States and Israel through discussion, dialogue and debate.
Watch your mail for your invitation.
With your minimum commitment of $5,000 to the 2014 Campaign, you and your adult children are welcome to attend this event. Ben Gurion Society members, young adults, age 45 and under, who make a minimum commitment of $1,000, are also welcome.
A suggested contribution of $36 person would be appreciated to help defray the cost of the event. A Vaad approved option is available upon advance request by October 25. $54 represents the cost of this event to the Jewish Community of Louisville. Accordingly, only the portion of contributions above this amount may be considered a charitable contribution. Attire is coat and tie. Free valet parking will be available in front of Eddie Merlot’s.
Reservations are required by October 30.