On Sunday, August 21, Louisville BBYO held elections for their Fall/Winter 2016 Term. The teens gathered together by chapter, and elected an incredible group of leaders who will work in unison to run the chapter meetings, hold chapter events and programs, and recruit new members.
Drew Corson AZA #2329’s new board includes Godol (president) Joey Schuster, S’gan (vice president) Zev Meyerowitz, Shaliach (Jewish heritage vice president) Andrew Tuvlin, Moreh (recruitment vice president) Max Strull, Mazkir (secretary) Isaac Wolff, Gizbor (head of fundraising) Levi Wolff and Kohane Godol (past president) Hunter Borowick.
Jay Levine BBG #1508’s new board includes, N’siah (president) Abigail Geller, S’ganit (vice president) Ava Schumacher, Sh’licha (Jewish heritage vice president) Carly Schwartz, Morah (recruitment vice president) Lilli Russman, Gizborit (head of fundraising) Alayna Borowick, Mazkirah (secretary) Tovah Frockt and Madricha (past president) Ashley Waller.
This term promises to be an exciting one, with these boards in place. From chapter events to conventions, Louisville BBYO is in good hands with these teens running the show. Keep an eye out for the upcoming calendar of events, which will be announced within the next couple of weeks.
If you have any questions about Louisville BBYO, have a teen who is interested in joining, or are a grown-up teen who is interested in getting involved again, please reach out to Kari Semel, 502-238-2701, or ksemel@jewishlouisville.org.