Jewish Family Feud

In the spirit of the popular TV game show “Family Feud,”  you are invited to team up and square off against one another to compete at AJ’s “Jewish Family Feud” on Sunday, February 2 at 11:00 a.m.  This is not …

Taste of Memories (Matkon Im Zikaron)

Join Kyla and Eden, our community’s shinshinot, for a special baking event at Adath Jeshurun. Taste of Memories, or Matkon Im Zikaron, remembers fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers by cooking their favorite recipes and telling the stories of their lives. …

AJ Shabbat Social

The AJ Social Committee presents the first Shabbat Social on Friday, January 10 after Kabbalat Shabbat services. Come to Happy Hour at 5 p.m. and services at 5:45 p.m., then stay for dinner with friends. Chef Sean Haggerty of Commonwealth …

Shabbat Scholar at Adath Jeshurun

Join as we welcome Miriam Anzovin- Shabbat Scholar Talk Title: Miriam Anzovin, an artist who creates Daf Reactions on Tik Tok will be our Shabbat and Havdalah Scholar, giving the Dvar Torah and post-service Shabbat Scholar talk. This event will …