The Jewish Foundation of Louisville is pleased to announce awards from the current round of Community Impact Grants. The program was reinstituted this year, making available $25,000 in general funds and $11,900 designated for youth education.
The Temple was awarded $3,650 to upgrade the sound system in the Klein Center, where most Chavurat Shalom programs take place. Louisville Beit Sefer Yachad was awarded $500 to upgrade classroom technology. The Temple Religious School was awarded $1,500 to support learning disabled bnai mitzvah students. The JCC was awarded $1,900 for a unique, intergenerational garden program with the Early Learning Center and the Senior Program, and Teen Connection was awarded $2,500 to expand leadership development to community-wide Jewish 4th and 5th graders.
“These grants are helping to lift already successful programs and services to the next level,” said Peter Resnik, chair of the Jewish Foundation of Louisville committee. “In awarding the grants, the Foundation Committee members were particularly impressed with the collaboration among separate organizations to leverage their resources and reach more users.”
The Foundation will consider grant requests for between $500 to $2,500 with a maximum award of $5,000. The Committee expressed a preference for the expansion or enhancement of existing successful programs, but indicated that it would consider new programs, and in all cases, encourages collaboration across the Jewish community. To submit a grant, contact Stu Silberman at (502) 238-2723.
There are additional grant requests that are still open, pending feedback to the requesting organizations to clarify details. The committee evaluates every grant request on its merits and does not fund every request it receives. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis.