The garden at The J and the Fresh Stop Market are thriving under the guidance of Michael Fraade, The J’s JOFEE fellow (Jewish Outdoor, Food and Environmental Education).
“We are currently harvesting tomatoes, squash, eggplant, radishes, mint, basil, beets and turnip greens,” Fraade reported. “We have planted kale, more radishes and beets, turnips, spinach, lettuce, arugula and peas that will come in later in the fall. We also have wheat, rye, vetch and buckwheat as cover crops/pollinator attracting plants.”
Right now, Fraade is the primary person taking care of the garden, but there are also about a dozen volunteers who lend a hand. Margaret Mazanec is the most frequent volunteer and Kim Roberts has loaned The J her tiller several times.
Volunteers are still needed on most Thursdays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The next scheduled volunteer date is October 20.
For more information, contact Fraad at