JFCS Brings Families Together for Passover Mitzvah Day

The Jewish Family & Career Services Family Mitzvah Committee was in full swing on Sunday, March 14, drawing more than 40 people to the Passover Family Mitzvah event. The youngest participant was just 23 months old and the oldest was … well, maybe we ought not to say.

Families brought food for the JFCS Food Pantry, and these donations will be distributed to local Jewish families in need.

That day, the Boardroom was full of smiling and productive families, who helped to organize Passover food baskets that will be delivered to local Jewish families and seniors living in the Louisville area.

“The beauty of this program is that it provides a meaningful opportunity for our children to learn how to give to others, while at the same time, it allows them to have a good time,” said Beth Salamon.

The mission of this committee, chaired by Beth Salamon, is to bring individuals and families together to instill a sense of Tikkun Olam (Repair the World) and to hold meaningful events that are fun for all ages. These events are held four times a year. The next event will be held in the summer.

The Family Mitzvah Program is sponsored by the Kronenberg family in memory of Rosa Migdal.


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