Joshua White, a Jewish Louisvillian, is helping to organize a citywide tree giveaway to high school freshmen.
White is partnering with Trees Louisville to host the project to give away seedlings at 40 different high schools. Dates and times for the giveaway have yet to be released.
The project is being financially supported by the Metropolitan Sewer District ($16,000) Metro Council ($15,000), Sierra Club ($500) and private donations ($500). HDNA is committing volunteer resources.
Louisville Metro is experiencing a swift and serious decline of its urban forest. The area losing more than 54,000 trees a year as blight, commercial development end of lifespan and poor maintenance all take their toll on the forest. Louisville city officials have committed themselves to replenishing the tree canopy to 45 percent of the total area.
Separately, the Louisville Metro Division of Community Forestry is sponsoring a free tree giveaway at three central locations over March and April.
The giveaways will be held from noon-2 p.m., March 18, at Beechland Baptist Church, 4613 Greenwood Drive; noon-2 p.m., March 25, at Jefferson Community and Technical College, 109 E. Broadway; and 4-6 p.m., April 15, at the 2017 Urban Tree Symposium, Ernest Hall, University of Louisville, 216 Eastern Parkway.
Recipients must be Jefferson County residents and show proof of residency. There will be a limit of three trees per residence. Contact the Division of Community Forestry at 502-574-3927 for more information.
Both announcements come as Jewish Louisville prepares to celebrate Tu B’Shevat – the new year of trees.