THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF LOUISVILLE INVITES YOU to join the celebration of volunteers, community service and achievement at its 2013 Annual Meeting, Monday, June 3, at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center.
The highlight of the evening will be the presentation of awards. This year, Madeline Abramson will be honored for her many contributions to the Louisville community and her dedication to tikkun olam, the repair of the world, with the Blanche B. Ottenheimer Award.
The success of the Louisville Jewish community in the next few years lies in the hands of the young adults and today’s emerging leaders. This year, the JCL will honor two outstanding young leaders. Ben Vaughan will receive the Lewis W. Cole Young Leadership Award and Beth Salamon will receive the Joseph J. Kaplan Young Leadership Award.
The Ron and Marie Abrams Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes an individual who is so dedicated to volunteer activities that they define his/her life. This year, the award goes to Keiley Caster, who has made the JCC’s Jewish Film Festival the focus of his life.
The JCC’s Senior Adult Department relies on a cadre of dedicated volunteers to keep people engaged, active and healthy. Sometimes the volunteers are innovators, coming up with ideas for new activities and helping the program change with the times. This year’s Elsie P. Judah Award winners, Mag Davis and Teresa Barczy, challenged staff to offer seniors a trip to Washington, D.C. The tour was a rousing success.
If the young adults are critical to the success of the community in the next few years, it is the teens who hold the key to the future. Those who are active in BBYO develop strong Jewish identities and the skills they will need to be the leaders of tomorrow. This year, the Ellen Faye Garmon Award will be presented to Maggie Rosen and the Stacy Marks Nisenbaum Award to Ben Koby.
Those teens who have been active in BBYO throughout their high school careers will receive Stuart Pressma Student Leadership Awards that include a college scholarship. They are Alanna Gilbert, Jordyn Levine, Sophie Reskin, Jacob Spielberg and Klair Spielberg. In addition, Sophie Reskin will receive the Joseph Fink Award, which also includes a scholarship.
The JCL and all its divisions – the Jewish Federation of Louisville, the Jewish Foundation of Louisville, the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Hillel and Community, the Jewish newspaper – rely on heavily on volunteers and are grateful for their support and participation, but it also takes a dedicated and devoted staff to bring things together and make this agency the best it can be. This year, Lisa Moorman, the JCL’s Human Resources Director, will be recognized with the Arthur S. Kling Award.
The JCL Annual Meeting also offers community members an opportunity to learn about the many activities, programs and services the agency offers the community.
In addition, Board members and officers for the coming year will be elected. Those nominated are: Karen Abrams, Board chair; Jay Klempner and Joe Hertzman, vice Board chairs; Laurence Nibur, treasurer; and Angeline Golden, David Kaplan, Glenn Levine, Helene Kramer Longton and Leon Wahba to serve three-years terms as Board members.
Kosher desserts will be served. Please let the JCL know you are coming to ensure there is enough dessert for everyone. Please contact Frankye Gordon, 238-2735 or