JCC Summer Camp is the place to tell your child’s summer story. JCC Summer Camp runs from June 8 until August 7. For the first time in recent history, a week of general camp was full before camp started.
“We spent a lot of time last year listening to parents, campers and staff,” said Betsy Schwartz, senior director of camp and youth services. “We made several changes to camp and tried to emphasize some of the things we do best in our marketing efforts.”
Points of emphasis include a transition into Kindergarten, Yachad (inclusion) camp that many parents felt was the best in the city. JCC Summer Camp also focused on the Jewish and swimming elements of camp. It also moved the end of camp back to 4 p.m. to make it easier on parents.
The efforts have worked. Camp enrollment is 14 percent higher than it was at this time last year. JCC Summer Camp also set a goal of increasing their average campers per week from last year’s total of 272 to 308 this year. Impressively, camp is already 82 percent of the way there and expects to top the goal.
“Our numbers continue to grow all summer,” said Schwartz. ”As kids have a great time, they want to keep coming back, and parents see the value of our program.”
Seven specialty camps already have waiting lists, and more are very close to capacity. Some of the specialty camps offered this year include The Mighty Titan Obstacle Course, Nutty Scientists, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Clash of Bricks, Wiley Brown Basketball Camp, Water World, Spotlight Youth Musical Theater and more. Children with special needs can join the fun, too, with our Yachad program.
The special Keff Grade K unit, designed specifically for preschoolers transitioning into kindergarten in the fall is also especially close to full, with less than 10 spaces available per week.
Morning carpool will run from 8:45-9:05 a.m. Afternoon carpool is scheduled for 3:45-4:05 p.m. for school-aged children. During these times, there will be more cars than normal in the parking lot, so please be patient.
Enrollment will continue throughout the summer as space allows. For more information or to enroll in JCC Summer Camp, visit www.jcclouisvillecamp.org.
Housing is also needed for the Shaliach (emmisary from Israel) who will be working with JCC Summer Camp all season long. If your family is interested in helping house this summer, please contact Mike Steklof at 502-238-2774 or msteklof@jewishlouisville.org