Passover is a time of new beginnings.
As a people, we recall our Exodus from Egypt to become a light unto the nations. As individuals, we recall our own private Egypts – the narrows of our hearts, souls and physical beings – that we resolve to change.
Like our ancestors, and ourselves, Community is in a state of transition. After many years of professional, steady leadership by our editor emeritus, Shiela Steinman Wallace, Louisville’s only Jewish news outlet is imagining a new future.
Transitions are never easy, so we at Community want to thank you, our loyal readers, for taking this journey with us. You have been patient when we have sometimes fallen short, and you have lauded us when you have read or seen something you liked. Either way, your feedback has been graciously accepted.
As we go forward, we resolve to give you the best news product we can provide. Jewish Louisville deserves no less.
Whether you read Community in print, online or via your cell phone or tablet, we appreciate your being part of our family. Chag Pesach Sameach, a joyous festival of Passover to you and yours.