The J and its partners over the years have played a major role in something Jewish Louisville cares about, L’dor V’dor, “From Generation to Generation.”
So much so, in fact, The J regularly hears from members and guests, reflecting on how they grew up at the center, how they learned to swim here, how their grandchildren learned to walk here, how their parents have lunch with friends in the Senior Adult Lounge, and how their kids look forward to camp.
None of that is possible without people like you – community members, dedicated volunteers and lay leaders, committed staff members and enthusiastic program participants. So, let’s party!

Couples young and old are expected to dance the night away at the August 27 Generation to Generation Celebration at the beautifully renovated Louisville Marriott East.
The Generation to Generation Celebration on Sunday, August 27, 6:30 p.m., at the beautifully renovated Louisville Marriott East, is a chance to come together as a community to reminisce and reconnect with friends from the past, welcome newcomers and celebrate our bright future together.
The celebration will include Heaven Hill sponsored cocktails, a delectable 3-course dinner, dancing through each decade’s classics with DJ Coxx, an opportunity to have a family portrait made and more.
The J, in partnership with Jaye Bittner and her family, will use this special event to present the Inaugural Annette Simon Sagerman L’dor V’dor Award to Marsha Bornstein and the Annette Simon Sagerman Next Generation Award to Keren Benabou, two very special people that truly embody the spirit of Annette Sagerman Z’’L. For 65 years, Annette was the face of the JCC and as President and CEO Sara Wagner said, “Annette was a mentor, a leader and a champion of every person who walked through our doors. She believed withher whole heart The J should be open to everyone.”
The Generation to Generation Celebration will be Co-chaired by Bob & Margie Kohn and Jaye & Bob Bittner and Young Adult Division’s Jodi Halpern.
Registration is now open online at or by calling David Mays at 502- 238-2770. Tickets are $65 per person and next generation tickets for adult 30 years old and younger are $36.
We need photos and memories!
Tribute ads are available to all community members who wish to share a favorite photo and one-line memory or tribute to honor someone special. Tributes will be shown on screens throughout the evening and will also be shared on social media before and after the event.
Make a tribute today for $54 or get two for $100. All proceeds from the Tribute Ads will support the JCC’s camp and membership scholarship funds. Please send the photo and text to David Mays at or call him with questions at 502-238- 2770.