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Elul with Cantor Lauren
September 11, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
One event on August 21, 2023 at 6:00 pm
One event on August 28, 2023 at 6:00 pm
One event on September 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Elul with Cantor Lauren
Mondays: August 14, August 21, August 28, September 11 at 6:00 pm
Prepare for the High Holy Days with Cantor Lauren. Join us for a special educational series preparing for the High Holy Days. RSVP online at thetemplelouky.org/Elul to sign up for one or more classes.
August 14 Soundscapes
The melodies of the High Holy Days evoke drama, grandeur, and sovereignty and create an atmosphere of cathartic introspection and reflection. Together we will journey through the many soundscapes of the High Holy Days and learn how the melodies express the depth of meaning in our prayer texts.
August 21 Death and Immortality: Unetaneh Tokef
The central prayer of Rosh Hashanah is Unetaneh Tokef. Its many references to a multi-faceted God and a blunt description of the numerous ways we may meet our end thrust us into a new year with a depth of emotion. Can we enter this year with sweetness and newness even as we contemplate the fragility of life? Of course, we will hear musical offerings that speak to these ponderings. We will explore the dialectic truths of endings and beginnings, seeking to build meaning into 5784.
August 28 All Sacred Vows and Promises: Kol Nidre
Kol Nidrei is the most sacred prayer of our High Holy Day journey. Formed in complex Aramaic, it states that all of the vows and promises we have made over the past year and will make for the coming year will be null and void. How can you make a vow that you know you will break? Together we will grapple with this text’s intricacies and many truths and explore moving and unexpected melodic interpretations of this prayer.
September 11 There’s a Cantor on the Bimah‽‽
In 2022 our Temple family made history: we engaged our first-ever Cantor in 180 years. I am proud, humbled, and honored to fulfill this engagement with you in a sacred partnership. One facet of a Cantor’s calling is elevating Jewish spiritual connection and prayer through music. This class will offer a general overview of the many dimensions of the cantorate, focusing on the various worship and ritual aesthetics a Cantor brings to the Bimah during services.