Dr. Mann Volunteers to Provide Dental Care with “Hearts in Motion” in Guatemala


Dr. Mann Volunteers to Provide Dental Care with “Hearts in Motion” in Guatemala

Dr. Robert Mann participated in the “Hearts in Motion” service project in the southern region of Guatemala March 3-11, during which he worked as a volunteer dentist and provided limited emergency care. Dr. Mann’s longtime friends, Bob and Dottie Lockhart, led this “Hearts in Motion” trip and were accompanied by 23 Bellarmine University student volunteers.

“My dental service trip to Guatemala was so much more than performing extractions,” said Dr. Mann. “It was a life changing experience. Witnessing their culture, their contentment with what little they have; their attitude regarding infant care and the elderly, was enlightening.”

“Hearts in Motion” has established more than just medical and dental facilities.  Additional clinics include nutrition and physical therapy. The nutrition clinic allows the volunteers to counsel parents on proper nutrition for their infants. Many of the infants and children are underweight due to lack of a proper diet.

The care provided by all the wonderful volunteers extended beyond the clinics and into the community. Not only did Dr. Mann provide dental care, he also helped paint and pour the concrete floor for the school which “Hearts in Motion” built previously.

Dr. Mann plans to return next year with “Hearts in Motion” and students from Bellarmine University.


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