
✡ We Stand With the People of Israel ✡

Young Adult Sushi & Sukkah Party

Patio Sukkah at the Trager Family JCC 3600 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY

Enjoy sushi made by a chef in-person in the Sukkah, sake tasting and fall vibes. This event is hosted by NextGen Louisville and is open to any Jewish young adult in Louisville, KY. For more information, contact Abigail Goldberg via …


Women Leading a Dialogue


Come hear from Israeli women, Jewish and Arab, who are seeking to move beyond coexistence to create long term ties of friendship and understanding. Locations & Times: Temple Shalom, Friday Nov. 22 | During Shabbat services at 7 p.m., with …

Eight Crazy Flights

Mile Wide Beer Company 363 Barret Avenue, Louisville, KY

All Jewish young adults are invited! Join us at Mile Wide Beer Company for music, fun, games, and lights in celebration of Hanukkah! A beer tasting of 8 varieties of beers and nosh from Cold Smoke Bagels are included with …


Super Sunday

Trager Family JCC 3600 Dutchmans Ln, Louisville, KY

Answer the Call! Give today to make an impact! On March 2nd, the Jewish Federation is hosting SuperSunday, our single biggest fundraising day of the entire year.On Super Sunday, our community raises critical funds tobuild and sustain a vibrant, caring, and …