NCJW seeks executive director
National Council of Jewish Women, Louisville Section (NCJW) is seeking an executive director. This is a new part-time position with flexible hours. It will involve working with volunteers and the community and is an opportunity for an organized, energetic individual. Contact NCJW at for more information.
HSJS registration
Registration for the 2018-2019 school year at the Louisville High School of Jewish Studies is now open for all rising 9th-12th grade students. Registration is online again this year. Visit to get started. Paper registration is still available by contacting Renee Masterson at for forms. You can also order pizza for lunch – $36 for one slice, $72 for two for the year. The school is open to all Jewish high schoolers, regardless of synagogue affiliation. Students who wish to serve as madrichim/assistants at LBSY or The Temple also must attend HSJS.
In response to concerns expressed by several families, HSJS will maintain its normal Sunday schedule from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Contact Sarah Harlan at with questions.
Pragmatic spirituality discussion
Dr. Courtney Snyder and Marty Snyder facilitate a pragmatic spirituality discussion group at Adath Jeshurun to discuss universal themes based on inspiration from spiritual thinkers. Sessions take place on Sundays at 10 a.m. The topic of the next program, on July 29, is “There will be an answer…let it be.” Contact Courtney Snyder at for details.
Knit & Qvell Circle
The Knit & Qvell Circle at Anshei Sfard will meet at 1 p.m., Thursday, July 5 in the library. All knitted items will be donated to the Jefferson County Public Schools Clothes Closet. Call Toby Horvitz at 502-458-7108 for details.
Celebration Shabbat
Adath Jeshurun invites all who are celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the month of July to participate in a group aliyah during its July 7 Shabbat morning worship services beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Shabbat and Sundaes
Keneseth Israel will hold Shabbat and Sundaes at 6 p.m., Saturday, July 7, at the Graeter’s on Bardstown Road. KI members receive a free treat up to $5 – dine-in only.
Men’s Club BBQ
The Temple Shalom Mens Club will hold a BBQ and dues drive at Temple Shalom on Sunday, July 8. Mens Club members and prospective members will enjoy free food. There could also be a poker tournament. RSVP Mark Epstein at or 412-525-9368.
Lunch and Learn
Rabbi Michael Wolk holds his next Lunch and Learn at noon, Thursday, July 12, at the Bristol on Main Street. The class is free, but food is sold separately. RSVP to or 502-459-2780.
Shir Chadash Shabbat
Keneseth Israel’s next Shir Chadash (“New Song”) Shabbat will be held at 6 p.m., Friday, July 13. The abridged Kabbalat Shabbat service will focus on communal singing and a chavurah-style atmosphere. The service is sung communally, sitting in a circle. Transliterations and translations are provided, and light oneg will follow.
No Shush Shabbat July 13
Temple Shalom will hold its next No Shush Shabbat at 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 13. The evening will include a PowerPoint service, music, instruments and stories, making for an engaging time for children and families. Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner will lead and Benji Berlow will sing and play guitar. Call Temple Shalom at 502-458-4739 for details.
Torah Yoga
Cantor Sharon Hordes and Lisa Flannery lead a combination Torah-yoga class at 6:30 p.m. the third Thursday of each month at Keneseth IsraeI. The next class is set for July 19. Temple Shalom and Hadassah are co-sponsors. RSVP to 502-459-2780 or
Shared Tisha B’Av at AJ
A shared-synagogue Tisha B’av observance with Adath Jeshurun and Keneseth Israel will be held at 9:30 p.m., Saturday, July 21 at AJ. Services will also be held at 8:45 a.m. at AJ and at 5:45 p.m. at KI on Sunday, July 22.
Big Rock Shabbat
Kenneseth Isreal’s summer outdoors Shabbat program, Big Rock Shabbat, will return at 6 p.m., Friday, July 27. A family-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat will be held at Big Rock Park, followed by a vegetarian/dairy picnic with challah and kiddush with wine and grape juice. Worshippers should bring their own blankets, dairy/veggie food and games. KI will provide dessert. RSVP to or 502-459-2780.
Game Day
The Temple Women of Reform Judaism/Sisterhood hold a a game day from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, July 29, in the Klein Center. Refreshments will be provided. The event is free. RSVP no later than July 25, to 502-423-1818. Bring an unexpired food item for the JFCS Meyer Food Pantry.
Free beginning Hebrew class
Adath Jeshurun is offering five 90-minute lessons on reading Hebrew. Taught by Deborah Slosberg, the lessons address the Hebrew alphabet and basic prayer book reading skills. Classes begin at 10:30 a.m. and run on five consecutive Sundays on July 29 and August 5, 12, 19 and 26. The lessons are free. Contact Slosberg at or 502-458-5359.
Jews and Brews
Rabbi Michael Wolk holds Jews and Brews, a one-hour Torah class over coffee, Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in The J library. Due to holidays and vacations, Jews and Brews will NOT be meeting on July 4, 18, or 25.
Mahjong Club
Keneseth Israel’s weekly mahjong game is held at at 1 p.m. every Thursday, except Jewish holidays, in KI’s small chapel. All skill levels are welcomed. RSVP to or 502-459-2780.
Torah Study
The Temple holds Torah Study with Rabbi David Ariel-Joel Saturdays at 9 a.m. in the Fishman Library before the morning services. Coffee, bagels and cream cheese are available.
LouCity Soccer and YAD
YAD members will watch Louisville Soccer at 5 p.m., Sunday, August 5, at Slugger Field when Louisville City plays the Indy Eleven. YAD will gather at the Jackson Pavilion before or during the game. Tickets are $12 per person before July 20, $14 per person afterwards Contact Julie Hollander at for details.
AJ Book Club
The Adath Jeshurun Book Club is reading Norwegian by Night by Derek B. Miller. The book will be discussed at the next meeting at 2 p.m., Sunday, August 26 at AJ. Contact Deborah Slosberg at or 502-458-5359 for details.