AJFCA Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Agencies

The ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH FAMILY & CHILDREN’S AGENCIES is a membership organization of over 130 Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies, and specialized Jewish human service agencies, in the United States and Canada. Member JF&CS agencies provide social services to children, adults and the elderly in the Jewish and general community. Tracing their roots back to the 19th century, JF&CS agencies began by assisting Jewish refugees and immigrants, orphans, and the poor and needy. Today, JF&CS agencies continue to provide preventative as well as social services to people of all ages and to those with special needs.


AJFCA Mission:

Begun 37 years ago, AJFCA supports the work of JFS professional and volunteer leadership in strengthening the quality of life for people throughout North America. On behalf of member JF&CS agencies and their clients, the ASSOCIATION advocates for services and policies that both promote healthy Jewish families, individuals and children and strengthen their connections to the Jewish and general communities. In direct consultation and through networking opportunities, AJFCA provides its members with professional expertise in understanding current and emerging trends, problem solving around service delivery issues, recruitment of personnel, research and planning.

AJFCA priorities and strategies:


  • Advocates for strengthening Jewish families and for enhancing the “safety net” for the poor and those with special needs;
  • Creates strong agencies through consultation on management, capacity building, strategic planning, and personnel development;
  • Educates lay and professional JF&CS leaders;
  • Improves program quality by highlighting innovative program models that emphasize “wellness” and prevention as well as problem solving;
  • Engages in public policy development and legislative monitoring in coalition with other human service organizations to improve human services and their funding;
  • Supports and enhances the profession by establishing standards of practice;
  • Builds a network of agencies that share and learn from each other;
  • Collaborates with other national organizations, including the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany; the National Center for Jewish Healing and others.

AJFCA services:

Consultation through community visits on organizational, board and program development, strategic planning and personnel and fiscal concerns;
The AJFCA Annual Conference,
and special institutes, conferences and small group training;
Publications including the Professional Opportunities Bulletin; and a range of directories on line;
Studies and reports on subjects such as agency funding trends, executive compensation, and program models;
A Web-site, www.ajfca.org, as well as list serve-discussion groups and
Operates the Elder Support Network, assisting Jewish elderly and their loved ones.

The ASSOCIATION. has an operating budget of slightly over $1,000,000. JF&CS agencies spend over $570,000,000 to assist a broad range of children, adults and elderly, experiencing psychological, social, developmental, and physical or “life-cycle” changes. JF&CS agencies are funded by Jewish Federations, United Way, client fees, governmental sources, membership contributions, Foundation grants and other sources.

For more information, For more information, contact Lee I. Sherman, President/CEO, at 800-634-7346; or visit www.ajfca.org.

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