This year, Chabad of Kentucky will host an evening event every night of Chanukah aimed at reaching over 1,000 Jews and brightening their holiday.
Grand Menorahs will be lit in various malls, shopping centers and other venues throughout Louisville and Lexington. This year, the largest menorah in the state will be erected at the new outlet mall in Simpsonville, The Outlet Shoppes of the Bluegrass. A large community event is planned there, with special shopping discounts and a free Chanukah gift offered to all participants.
On Friday, December 19, at 5 p.m., a large menorah will be lit at the Louisville Chabad House, 1654 Almara Cr. A joyous Shabbat Chanukah service will follow the menorah lighting complete with singing dancing and holiday fun.
On Saturday night, December 20, at 7:30 p.m., Chabad invites all of the Jewish women of Louisville to celebrate a special Chanukah party at the Chabad House, where they will learn about the pivotal role of women in the original Chanukah story. Reservations are encouraged. Call 502-494-3774.
On Sunday, December 21, Chabad will host its Chanukah version of “Light Up Louisville.” A giant menorah will be erected at 4th St Live and be lit by Mayor Greg Fischer at 5:30 p.m. This free Chanukah on Ice program begins with ice skating and/or bowling at 4 p.m. and will include other fun holiday activities and refreshments (indoors and outdoors). All are welcome.
Other lightings will be held at the Paddock Shops and Joseph Beth Booksellers in Lexington. For more information on these and other Chabad programs please call Rabbi Chaim at 442-2208.
Chabad seeks to encourage all Jews to celebrate Chanukah and will be happy to make candles and menorahs available to people at cost. Those who have no menorah but commit to lighting one each night can receive a free menorah with candles.
For more information on any of these programs call Chabad, 459-1770.