On Sunday, September 27, LBSY (Louisville Beit Sefer Yachad) families will be participating in special Sukkot programs at their home congregations. The emphasis for Sukkot learning for this year will be providing shelter. In addition to learning about the sheltering presence of the sukkah and of God, students and their families will learn what we can do to help provide shelter for others.
LBSY will be partnering with Houses for Change and Family Promise to raise money and consciousness about homelessness and poverty during this harvest festival. The program at Temple Shalom will begin at 4 p.m., Adath Jeshurun at 4:30 and Keneseth Israel at 6.
On Wednesday, October 7, at 6 p.m., the school’s chug groups will make presentations on the fall festivals at Anshei Sfard. Using music, drama, art, video, animation, cooking, and more, students will present what they have learned about the fall holidays.
On Sunday, November 8, LBSY will be holding a fundraiser at 5 p.m. at the Kentucky Science Center featuring Jonathan Wolff. Details will soon be available.
On Sunday, November 15, LBSY invites the community to join them for the Global Day of Jewish Learning at 10 a.m. at Anshei Sfard Congregation. This year’s theme, “Love: Devotion, Desire and Deception” will be featured in a program for adults. Students will join the adults for a joint program at 11:30.