Teen Connect- Spaghetti in the Sukkah
Open to all Jewish 6th-8th graders! Enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner in the sukkah with your friends! RSVP: Becca Waller, Teen Director bwaller@jewishlouisville.org 502-238-2701
Open to all Jewish 6th-8th graders! Enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner in the sukkah with your friends! RSVP: Becca Waller, Teen Director bwaller@jewishlouisville.org 502-238-2701
Celebrate the harvest holiday of Sukkot at our second annual Sukkot Family Festival at the J! Create your own Kentucky “lulav”, learn about and plant cover crops in the J’s garden, make and enjoy some delicious food and decorate the …
Inviting all Jewish middle school students to come and make your own s’mores in our sukkah! We will have a variety of kosher s’mores ingredients to build the very best s’more. Fee: $15 J Members: $10 For more information about …
Calling all agents in grades 6-8! Join us on an epic scavenger hunt at Keneseth Israel. Look for clues from Jewish text and test your spy skills with mini-missions along the way. Pizza will be served before the mission begins. Cost: …
YAD cider and Soup in the Sukkah Bring your friends and join other young adults for warm cider and delicious fall soups in the sukkah! RSVP to Benji for the address! #JewLou
Sukkot is the harvest festival which symbolizes the transitional period when, after escaping Egypt, the Jews lived in temporary shelters while wandering through the desert for 40 years. This year, The J is putting a Kentucky twist on the holiday … Read More
Come and join other JCC families on Wednesday, September 30, as we eat pizza and make decorations for our Sukkah! Event is from 6-7:30 p.m. Register by September 25. Fee: $10 per family JCC Members: $5 per family
Sukkot is celebrated this year September 27-October 4. For 40 years, as our ancestors traversed the Sinai Desert following the Exodus from Egypt, miraculous “clouds of glory” surrounded and hovered over them, shielding them from the dangers and discomforts of the desert. … Read More
Sukkot On September 25, the Hillel students had dinner in Josh Goodman’s Sukkah located near the University of Louisville campus. Last year, Goodman received a grant from Birthright Next for the materials needed to build the sukkah, and he was … Read More
[by Heidi Bennett] On the cool evening of September 16, 19 women joined together for Louisville Hadassah’s pre-Sukkot party inside the Jewish Community Center’s Sukkah. Attendees were a mix of women from throughout the Jewish community, including several mother-daughter pairs. … Read More