Teen Connect- Spaghetti in the Sukkah
Open to all Jewish 6th-8th graders! Enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner in the sukkah with your friends! RSVP: Becca Waller, Teen Director bwaller@jewishlouisville.org 502-238-2701
Open to all Jewish 6th-8th graders! Enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner in the sukkah with your friends! RSVP: Becca Waller, Teen Director bwaller@jewishlouisville.org 502-238-2701
Inviting all Jewish middle school students to come and make your own s’mores in our sukkah! We will have a variety of kosher s’mores ingredients to build the very best s’more. Fee: $15 J Members: $10 For more information about …
Includes skill clinics, practice games and timed games. Tiny Tot Basketball League Ages 4-6 October 16-December 11, 2013 Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. Fee: $65, JCC Members: $50 Rims at 6′ with a 7″ ball. Pee Wee Basketball League Ages … Read More