Pro-Israel BUYcott Set for March 30

On Wednesday, March 30, the anti-Zionist organizations from around the world are calling for a boycott of all Israeli goods.  In many communities around the country, there will be activists who will be demonstrating outside of stores calling for all stores to stop carrying Israeli goods.

This is part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) which seeks to unfairly de-legitimize the State of Israel and attack Israel through economic means.


In an effort to counteract that boycott, Jewish communities around the world are calling for a “BUYcott” on that day.  We are encouraging all those who support the state of Israel to go into stores that carry Israeli goods and buy those goods, telling the manager that you are buying those goods specifically because they are Israeli and that they should continue to carry an ever increasing lineup of Israeli goods. Among the Israeli brands commonly featured in American retail stores are many kosher wines like Golan and Carmel, Ahava (and other Dead Sea) beauty products, Elite chocolate, Sabra hummus, Strauss cheese and particularly this time of year, many different brands of matzah. Drug maker Teva Pharmaceuticals, the largest maker of generic prescription drugs in the world, is also an Israeli company.

For more information on how you can participate in this very Zionist enterprise, please visit

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