Merry Mitzvah Projects 2015:
Chaired by Amy Benovitz and Rabbi David
Please email Amy at ASAP and before December 15 regarding Merry Mitzvah Options unless there is other contact information.
For Homeless Shelters: gloves, jackets, hats, school uniforms, UNDERWEAR and similar types of warm outdoor wear for Adults! Baby products and Diapers!
For Home of the Innocents: Diapers and books for all ages
Drop off in Temple Office.
December 11 @USPIRITUS: BE AN ELF!!! Wrap presents for children at 2125 Goldsmith Lane. Need 8-10 people each shift 10-12 (full) and 12-2pm.
December 13 @Wellspring: Holiday Brunch December 13 at noon at Wellspring’s Concord House 3337 Breckinridge Lane or contribute to a wish list for 8 wonderful ladies managing their mental health issues. Contact Amy for the WISH LIST – a perfect opportunity to re-gift!!! We have several ladies who wear 4X-6X and LOVE gently used coats, outfits, and size 11 silver rings!!
December 13 @ St Vincent Depaul’s Santa Shop 1029 S. Preston Street 12-5! Wrap presents for shelter children. Only need to be 13, a great teen option and you can get Beta Club and National Honor Society credit. Call Donna Young 301-8688 to RSVP!
December 24 @ Temple. Rabbi David will again be making sandwiches Thursday December 24, 2 pm at The Temple to take to St Vincent DePaul Men’s Shelter. Contact Becky 423-1818 for your assignment!
December 25 @Ronald McDonald House 550 S. First Street. Join in hosting a brunch for families at Ronald McDonald House. RSVP to Marcy Rosengarten at 641-8870.
December 25 @St Vincent DePaul 1026 S. Jackson Street on Christmas. We promised 10-12 Lunch volunteers 11:30-1pm, 1026 S. Jackson Street. Call Amy 425-0373. Servers should be 13 or older.
December 25 @ The Temple: “Fill the Freezer Event” Join Margie Kommor to make and pack soups, kugels and desserts to fill our freezer for congregants who may need some TLC throughout the year. A great family event, no reservations needed just show up December 25 from 2-4.
December 25 @ Maryhurst: Temple Shalom is hosting their annual brunch.