Jewish Family & Career Services will celebrate its 106th anniversary on Tuesday, May 27, at 7:30 p.m. at JFCS. Board president, Debbie Friedman, and vice president, Stephanie Mutchnick, will reflect on their experiences of attending the joint IAJVS/AJFCA national conference. Mark Ament, chair of the Board Governance Committee, will announce the proposed slate of board members and officers.
They include:
- Nominees to be re-elected for three-year terms: Aya Golding and Bruce Belman.
- Nominees for first term of three years: Doug Sharps, Carole Snyder and Robin Stratton.
- Nominees to serve as officers/at-large members of the executive committee: President: Debbie Friedman; President- Elect: Stephanie Mutchnick; Vice President: Sandi Friedson; Treasurer: Marty Margulis; Immediate Past President: Mark Ament; At-large members: Jay Klempner, Marc Charnas and Peter Resnik.
- Three members will be leaving the Board: Sheilah Abramson-Miles, Shellie Benovitz and Janet Meyer.
A former homecare trainee and now a JFCS employee will tell her story and how JFCS has impacted her family. The annual Mary Gunther Award for best new program of the year will be awarded. Also recognized will be a donor who cared much about the agency’s work and her gift of artwork by Frank Weisberg.
JFCS appreciates the vital services that volunteers give to the agency and its clients. All volunteers attending will be recognized and given a gift as a token of their service.
The community is invited to join the Board and staff of JFCS in celebrating their 106th year of service to this community. Desserts will be served after the meeting.