The third annual JFCS Pancake Breakfast took place on Sunday, August 7, at Applebee’s on Taylorsville Rd. More than 30 volunteers and 250+ pancakes later, thousands of dollars were collected to benefit the JFCS Janet and Sonny Food Pantry Fund.
JFCS would like to thank Bonnie Bizer who will be matching dollar for dollar all funds raised for the event.
The volunteers were Sheilah Abramson-Miles, Mark Ament, Ann Leah Blieden, Frankie Bloom, Larry Brody, Dara and Michael Cohen, Michael Friedman, Sandi and Barry Friedson, Shirley Geer, Carole Goldberg, Linda Goodman, Marcia Gordon, Bill and Judy Haliday, Diane Joels, Marshall Kahn, Lois Marcus, Janet and Sonny Meyer, Miller, Louise Miller, Tami Penner, Eileen, Harry and Emily Renco, Bill Ryan, Jane Shapiro, Carole Snyder, Rhonda Welenken and Sara Yamim.
The JFCS Food Pantry feeds more than 130 individuals each month, helping to sustain those in need.