[by Amy Benovitz]
This summer, the Jewish community participated in building the Interfaith Community Effort (ICE) house for Habitat for Humanity. This coalition includes several groups from the Jewish community as well as Episcopal, Lutheran – Catholic faith groups and American Physicians of Pakistani descent.
For the Jewish community, this is the 10th Habitat for Humanity Partnership build we’ve participated in. Our homeowner partner is Monica Rios, a vibrant, passionate young woman who is trying to make a stable environment for herself and two-year-old daughter, Alicia. She is employed at UPS and every Friday and Saturday, she works along side volunteers on her home at 3029 River Park Dr.
The sponsorship fee of this rehab home is $28,000, and thanks to many contributors within the Jewish Community, we met our financial goal.
Cantor David Lipp was the build leader July 27 and garnered many financial and dessert donations in his honor. Financial donors for Habitat 2012 included: Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Cantor Lipp, Lil Kittower, Elaine Bornstein, Aly and Jeff Goldberg, Bruce and Marcia Roth, Carolyn and David Neustadt, Sonia Hess, Rabbi Gaylia Rooks, Rabbi Joe Rooks Rapport and members of Temple Shalom.
Habitat 2012 donations were also received in honor of Scott Trager’s birthday from Amy and Lee Benovitz; Mark and Tammy Switow; Shelley, Michael, Andrew and Brett Kusman; Mark and Sandy Hammond; Billy and Jan Altman; Steve and Joanie Samuel; Tom and Chris Hirsch; and Alan and Michelle Hertzman.
So far Jewish community builders have included Cantor Lipp, Mickey Nathanson, Dennis and Dick Branson and nephew Chris, Gary Katz and Bill Fitzgerald.
The Jewish community provided lunch and volunteers on July 27 and is seeking additional volunteers for September 14. Aly Goldberg is the lunch sponsor that day. On October 19, Temple Shalom volunteers will join the crew and provide lunch.
Volunteers are always welcome any Friday or Saturday 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., where Jim Richey – the real crew leader – makes everyone important and explains their jobs.
Contact Amy Benovitz, 425-0373 to RSVP.
Other Mitzvah Updates
Thanks to all donors of unused Bats tickets. So far the Jewish community has redeemed these tickets to allow about 500 underprivileged community members to enjoy America’s pastime. Thanks to Janet and Sonny Meyer, Shelton Weber (Weber and Rose) and Larry Simon for the bulk of the tickets.
Stay tuned for Merry Mitzvah opportunities for November and December. Remember, we should have a cold spell in October so feel free to drop off winter clothes – especially for children – at JCC Lobby or Temple now! We are also collecting new or lightly used uniforms for school aged children.
Thank you.