Put the future of the Louisville Jewish community into good hands – your own. Bring your friends along to learn the art of storytelling as you conquer your fear of the word “no.”
Join the Jewish Community of Louisville for volunteer training for the 2011 JCL Annual Campaign on Thursday, November 4, at 5:30 p.m. at Jewish Family & Career Services. Learn from a successful, guest trainer Jane Stein, from Norfolk, VA.
“Let’s learn together and make this the best campaign ever,” said Amy Ryan, Volunteer Training event chair. “Join us for an informational night on how to inspire support of the JCL mission. We will have an informational session on the fund raising process, the latest programming and services the JCL has to offer, and most importantly, time to learn and practice asking for support of the Campaign.
“This session will provide the background on how to participate and training on key communication skills,” she added. “Please, take the time to learn and be able to inspire others to be part of the JCL!”
Enjoy dinner catered by Napa River Grill. A Vaad approved option is available upon request. There will also be surprises, gifts and prizes for all who attend.
Stein chaired JFNA’s Campaign Training for the last three years, but she brings nearly 20 years of training experience with her. She’s conducted workshops and spoken in many communities across the country. She’s also served on the UJA National Women’s Campaign Board, and for 10 years was a Board member for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.
Stein has been very involved in every aspect of her community Federation and helped the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater earn several Campaign awards. She’s also held Board positions and/or helped with fundraising for the Virginia Opera, the Norfolk Academy and the Education Foundation of Old Dominion University. She holds both a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.
In her professional life, Stein was the founder and executive director of the Child Abuse Center of Hampton Roads, an assessment center serving the young victims of child sexual and physical abuse and neglect. During the first four years of the Center’s operations, over 4,000 children were referred for services from 17 Virginia and North Carolina municipalities.
In January 2000, Stein saw her Child Abuse Center become a department of Virginia’s premier children’s hospital. She just completed a project as a national Director of Major Gifts for the American Cancer Society and is currently president of JPS Consulting.
Amy Ryan, chair of this Volunteer Training for the 2011 JCL Campaign invites you to come learn how you can make a difference and have fun as you do.
Please contact Mary Jean, 618-5309 or mtimmel@jewishlouisville.org, by Tues-day, November 2, to reserve your place.