JCC Spring Camp is Going on a Environmentally Sound Picnic April 2-5


Ben Goldenberg
Marketing Director

Julie Hollander
Sr. Director of Youth & Camping

JCC Spring Camp is Going on a Environmentally Sound Picnic April 2-5

LOUISVILLE, KY (March 11, 0213) – The flowers are starting to bloom at the JCC, which can only mean it is time for Spring Camp. This year, campers will be ‘Going on a Picnic” as they explore this classic springtime activity from every perspective. Spring Camp is open to children 20 months-5th grade and runs at the JCC (3600 Dutchmans Lane) April 2-5.

Throughout camp, participants will participate in an ecological special project, collecting cell phones to be reused or recycled. The cell phones will be given to Pace Butler Corporation to recycle and to provide affordable cell phone services to those without a phone.

Camp begins with a look at the smallest picnic participants, but one that may not be invited, ants! Campers will explore their picnic from the ants’ perspective and get a special visit from Bricks 4 Kidz with a LEGO project.

On Wednesday, April 3, everyone will get dirty. Campers will learn how dirt plays an important role in the ecosystem. K-5th graders will take a field trip to the Louisville Nature Center. On April 4th, campers will practice their three R’s, reduce, reuse and recycle. Campers will reuse items others might throw in the trash. On Friday, campers will expand their imaginations by bringing items from home for their picnic.

Campers K-5 swim daily and of course there will be lots of crafts, sports and exciting activities for all age groups.     Camp runs 9 a.m.-3 p.m. with Get Up Gang and Stay ‘N Play options available. There is no camp on April 1 due to Passover.

To register for camp, download a registration form at jewishlouisville.org/springcamp. For more information, call 502-238-2708.


About the Jewish Community Center
Founded in 1890, the JCC is a human service agency committed to enhancing the quality of family life and promoting the physical, intellectual and spiritual wellness of the individual. It provides health-related activities, cultural and educational programs that serve the community at large, including populations at risk.  Membership and services are offered to the Jewish and general community.  Through its wide array of programs, the Center pursues its mission of strengthening the individual, family and community. The JCC is part of the Jewish Community of Louisville.

High-resolution pictures and interviews are available to the media.

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