[Archived from November 6, 2009]
Hillel reaches out to Jewish college students in many different ways. It offers a safe place to meet and be with other Jewish students, resources about Israel and Judaism and much more.
When Steve Hofstetter, a Jewish comedian, came to Comedy Caravan last month, Hillel offered students the opportunity to attend as a group. Fifteen Hillel students attended, and Hofstetter was excited to have them in the audience. He even tailored part of his show toward the group and mingled with them afterward.
Although he has been to Louisville many times, this time, his show included some new material. Several other comedians warmed up the crowd for him.
“It was hilarious and a great event,” said Eric Reskin.
“The comedy caravan event was amazing, added Tatyana Mischenko. “The show was funny – I about cried laughing. One thing that really touched my heart was after the show, when he meets and greets, he acknowledged that we were ‘the Hillel group’ and thanked us for coming each year.”
Hillel thanks Tom Sobel, owner of the Comedy Caravan, for his assistance in organizing this event.