The Henny Witzer Senior Chorus was invited to perform at the Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency (KIPDA) Centenarian Celebration Day. It was their first performance since longtime musical director, Henny Witzer died in March. After her passing, the Senior Chorus was renamed in her honor.
Witzer was a former vaudeville performer in New York. “Henny loved to sing and perform,” said Senior Adult Program Director, Slava Nelson. “We were very proud to rename the chorus for her.”
The chorus was created more than 30 years ago and plans to soon start touring local nursing and assisted living homes in Louisville.
“It really is a win-win for everyone,” said Senior Adult Director, Diane Sadle. “The performers love it and so do the seniors we entertain. They usually end up singing along with us and everyone has a great time.”
Mary Adams now leads the chorus, which practices on Tuesdays at 12:45 at least twice a month. Everyone is invited to join the fun, no prior singing experience is necessary.